Monday, July 31, 2006

02. Stage 2

It was now, that I decided that island needs some urbanistic blueprints. I started to complete all buildings with white solid hatch (later the brightness of the color would represent different building heights). When I set this rule, I created this half-circle complex of buildings with housing, hotels, stores, pubs, complete with the first official government building. This was planned to nicely complete the old town, while on the north and east side of the island, a newer buildings will grow. This was also the time when first parks and recreational areas were planned (green hatches northeast). Later a big mansion boom striked southern (coastal) part of east side of the island, and quite a lot of larger buildings were constructed on the east side. This part is actually the first one which looked like a town if you were walking on the streets. Park in the middle and somewhat large buildings around. After that a nice town square emerged near the piers in the northern part. It is round in it's core, but then extended into two streets - one leads to the old part, and another to the newer eastern side of the island. All the houses in this "circle" have the same faces, but they are different colors. There are also deliberately designed streets between them for making future expanding easier, and you can find quite a few of those elsewhere on the island.
Now an island was becoming a legendray town, separated from the capitalistic world, a perfect getaway from everyday routine. It had only a few hundred permanent residents.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

01. How did all start?

Ok, so one day about two years ago I was at a job, looking at photos from Honolulu, observing the beaches, skyscrapers and roads, and it occured to me, how cool would it be to have a city covering a whole island in the middle of the ocean. When I came home that day, I sit in front of the computer, and started to creating an island coast border in AutoCAD. I made it managable size, that I could fill it with the streets and buildings in short time, so I could start expanding it soon. I didn't save separate files until here, so I can't show you how it all started. I can just say, that the first thing I constructed was this big castle-like building in the south peninsula. I imagined it like this middle age piece of real estate around which a village started to grow. I made this little piers at the very south of the island, and I imagined that this will boost construction of large mansions where rich people will come to the vacation with their yachts. After I filled this peninsula, I've decided that it will took more than a few piers to form a city, so I constructed a hotel resort on the left side on the beginning of the peninsula. Some people had to work in there, so they started to build houses northeast of the hotel. Those were first permanent citizens on the island. More resorts started to appear by the beach, south of these houses, and a service building (store, post office, etc.) was constructed east from the first hotel right across the street. Somewhere around then, I felt that I have to construct a yacht/boat port on the northwest side of an island, so I just began drawing lines, when this screenshot was taken.I have to explain that these were the real beginnings, I would (as I did later) plan wider streets, room for cars, parking spaces and those kind of things, but still - it was a lot of fun for me to later revitalise the old town, while trying to keep historical buildings intact. But at this time, there weren't any cars on the island. I should also explain that a grey line marks the coastline and green line different properties (building blocks). Buildings are so far all white and mostly without a hatch, which just started to change in this phase. At this point island was a warm tropical resort with a few mansions and resorts on the south.


I'm crazy I know, but I just can't help myself. I'm spending hours and hours in front of the computer drawing my virtual city in AutoCAD. Now I've decided that I want to show my creations to the world. I will slowly work on this blog, completing it with a new template, and a lot of yummy candies. Please note that right now this is only an early alpha edition:) Hope you'll like my little island.

About Me

Ljubljana, Slovenia